The Hamlet that time forgot
... until it woke up for Christmas
12/23/20235 min read
You wouldn't visit Paris to get away from it all. After all, the buzz of busy restaurants, elegant shops on the Champs Elysée, and river traffic on the Seine are a large part of the attraction. But Paris isn't France, and much of ' La France Profonde' consists of vast tracks of land where you hardly see another soul. Last week we made a thirty minute drive to visit some friends. The journey took us through varied landscape, from our own densely wooded river valley, over the barren causses, and then down a precipitous winding road that leads to the bottom of a deep gorge. During the whole thirty minute drive we did not pass a single car. For me, this special feeling that the countryside is ours alone to enjoy, is what I most love about France. The over-all population density in this country is a mere 104 people to a square kilometre. Compare that to the population density of the U.K. which is over 270 people per square km.