Just Saying!

Occasional observations on living in France

1/18/20252 min read

Last weekend we took one of our customary walks around the village of Gourgas, in order to avoid the hunters in our forest. This beautiful spot, underneath the towering cliffs of the Cirque du Bout du Monde , never fails to impress. As usual we saw Angel, who often lingers alongside the fountain. He always likes to pass the time of day. Everyone else seemed to be indoors. But then we saw some children. I often bemoan the fact that so many kids nowadays never seem to play outdoors. Such is the lure of modern media. But last Saturday was different. Two boys of about ten or eleven years of age panted past us as they climbed uphill on their bicycles. Shortly afterwards we had to step out of the way for two slightly older boys who were careering along at great speed on a battery powered 'trotinette' (scooter.) So what is extraordinary about this you might well ask? Well...each one of the four boys who passed us greeted us with a loud 'Bonjour.' Let me hasten to add that we did not know any of them. This is a feature of France that I love, for all children are urged to be polite. Even the youngest toddlers are encouraged to say 'bonjour' to strangers from their pram as they pass. Whilst France may not be perfect, this is in general a well mannered society, and it is one of the many things that I love. . ...Just saying!

The fontaine at Gourgas
The fontaine at Gourgas
Trotinette users by the side of the canal
Trotinette users by the side of the canal

This weekend will be different, for yesterday all villagers received a message from the mairie . It warned us that due to an influx of sanglier(wild boar) there will be an extra special 'battu' at Gourgas on Saturday. This means that hunters will converge on Gourgas en masse, and the cliffs will be echoing with gun shot, as in a 'battle'! On this occasion I feel glad that we live on the other side of the valley. Indeed , maybe we will be able to walk in our own forest this weekend for a change. The mairie has warned all walkers to keep to the official footpaths in Gourgas. However, judging from the battu that was held in Gourgas a couple of years ago, you would not catch me within a mile of any footpath there. Even hunters, in their fluorescent jackets, are known to suffer fatalities at times. If I lived in the actual village of Gourgas, I would be staying firmly indoors

. ..Just saying!
