It could only happen in Montpellier.
A chance encounter.
7/15/20243 min read
In addition to the marvellous evening concerts that I mentioned in my last blog, the Radio France Festival offers a day time programme too. This is a chance for young up- and- coming artists to shine , and we enjoyed some great talent: A Russian 17 year old piano prodigy named Alexandra Dovgan; Emilia Bertolini, a young singer of baroque music(I also particularly enjoyed the young viol de gamba musician who accompanied her; )and finally a young guitarist named Edith Pageaud. This last concert was to prove memorable for more than one reason.

It was our last morning . We had decided to enjoy one final lunch-time concert before we returned home. The performance was to be given by a solo guitar player, Edith Pageaud. We were certainly not disappointed. Her repertoire was varied and enjoyable, from Vila Lobos to Piazzolla. There is something magic about hearing a single acoustic guitar being played in a large concert hall. What's more this young artist made a beautiful spectacle as she sat alone in the middle of a vast stage, with her precious guitar resting in the sumptuous folds of her red satin dress.

As we left, we saw a small and lonely figure outside the entrance to the concert hall. Dressed in jeans , she carried a large white guitar case on her back. Was this really the 'star of the performance' standing alone? Somehow it didn't seem right.
We decided to have a bite to eat in the Corum Brasserie before we returned home. Shortly afterwards our 'star ' entered, and joined a table of her friends who were sitting right next to us. This star struck fan remained silent. After all, I thought to myself, all performers deserve some anonymity. I didn't even ask her to autograph our programme!
But this is not the first time that this has happened to us; After one memorable piano recital, we found ourselves sitting next to David Kadouch, a renowned young French pianist. And many years ago, who should walk in to the restaurant where we were enjoying a post concert supper, but the conductor and the composer of the very piece of music we had been listening to.
It could only happen in Montpellier!

But all good things must come to an end. As we walked back to our hotel, Montpellier felt very different in the day time. Children still played amongst the fountains, and in the wonderful play park with its musical theme, but the magic blue atmosphere had gone.

But as we strolled back , we chanced upon some large hoardings which explained to us the nature and the purpose of these renovations. These are no mere ornamental fountains, into which children stray. Their very purpose is to encourage children to venture into the water to cool off, while seats are provided close by so that adults can enjoy the spray and cool off too. This whole area has been designed as a refuge for its citizens in these times of climate change. Special trees will be planted alongside, with future heat waves in mind. Thanks to this "island of retreat" temperatures are expected to be lowered by between -2°C and -7°C.

With its wonderful gardens, free transport for its citizens, affordable concerts and now, this cool refuge from the heat ...
...What a wonderful city Montpellier is!