An Honest Broker

Making a big purchase in a world of sharks.



4/7/20232 min read

To the agent that sold us our little second hand boat we were mere minnows. The big question for us was, was he a shark?

Most of us only make a few major purchases in our lives. Whether it be a house or a car, one has to exercise caution, in order to avoid making errors, or becoming involved with shady dealers. Alas , we do it so rarely, we have been known to make mistakes , not least when we unwittingly bought a house without a proper water supply. Happily that purchase turned out to be propitious, nonetheless. But when we set about buying our final boat, we were only too aware of possible pitfalls. We had spotted one that met our needs perfectly , but would the broker be acting in our best interests or those of the vendor? I am afraid experience has made us cynical, and we felt a great degree of trepidation. After all this boat was 'small fry'' to a broker who also sells sleek yachts and motor boats worth millions.

A 'millionaire's yacht'
A 'millionaire's yacht'
A slightly smaller craft
A slightly smaller craft

With our purchase complete I am shaking my head in disbelief. For rarely have we met someone who carries out their job with such dedication. For this broker, it was not enough to complete the deal on behalf of his vendor. He has gone to the utmost length to ensure that any small detail that is lacking in our boat is put right, even if he does the work himself. For sure our boat is 'second hand,' and second hand boats inevitably have flaws, but he is keen to present it in as perfect a state as possible. He confesses to us that he really does love his job, and that is very clear. Would that we had come across such an "honest broker" at an earlier stage in our lives.

Our first jaunt .
Our first jaunt .

The Upshot.